Sunday, 23 May 2010

Captains Log: the year is 2010...

As a child (and still as an adult) the gadgetry in the Star Trek Series completely amazed me. Just like in the James bond films the gadgets were a serious highlight, and more often then not, they were crucial to the survival of the main character.

Today it seems that a great number of those very gadgets have been created in our world: Earth.

I always wanted to use a Combadge, the ones that all Starfleet personnel wore and just had to touch (no dialling necessary mind) to speak to any of their mates. Well I guess the closest modern day version of that would be the Bluetooth Headset. Then there was the computer tablet that that Scotty the engineer used to make insane calculations at warp speed; we now have the IPad. Touch screens, lasers, digital wristwatches and computers that speak and are apoken to are all here today to make our missions more successful. (Someone just needs to hurry up and invent teleportation cos I’m seriously sick of TFL)

Undeniably, the most essential modern day sci-fi interpretation has got to be the Mobile Phone, and more specifically the Android enabled mobile Smartphone. These perform all the essential functions of the average Smartphone but recently Google announced the release of software that enables android users to access their entire home music and photo libraries, stored on their desktop computers, from their portable Android Smartphone.

This is clearly the next step in lifesaving technology, and I think it’s about time we start making Starfleet Enterprise cronies jealous of some of the cool gadgets we use on missions to save our social lives from falling into the hands of the Borg... Suck on that Picard!


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