Wednesday, 31 March 2010

All about the Music

The poor weather has bred a rant I'm afraid, all apologies.

With the announcement of her new book entitled My World, England’s Nu-Rose, Cheryl Cole has confirmed her intention to coat every single element of media available with her own terrifyingly thin layer of hearing-aid beige branding. Should this be aloud? Should I care? Does caring make me part of the problem?!

Now as a disclaimer I should note that I realise this is not a new process. Modern day pop acts are required to apply themselves over a multitude of different platforms. This is a given. However with our Cheryl, I can’t help but think it’s a bit more disturbing than most, since she honestly can’t seem to apply herself on more than one – namely being rather photogenic.

We’ve had Cole’s music, best described as a gruelling exercise in validating the term ‘collaboration’.

We’ve had a TV show; the inexplicable ‘Cheryl Cole’s Night In’, during which Cheryl mimes her way through her flagship ‘collaboration’, and is then interviewed by the actual presenter of the show; Holly Willoughby for perhaps 3 minutes.

(We mustn’t forget about Cheryl’s contribution to The X-Factor at this point, namely her L’Oreal smile and a contractual obligation of 6 visible tears per episode. Credit where it’s due Chezza.)

We’ve all bore witness to Cheryl’s almost total domination of the tabloids from the moment she was announced as the ‘hot one’ from Girls Aloud, through the charge of Racially Aggravated Assault and Actual Bodily Harm of a club toilet attendant [please note for legal reasons that Cole was only successfully charged with the latter]. Right up to her phoenix-like rise from the flames of her failed marriage to Ashley (or ‘The Key Defence Witness’ as I like to call him).

But it is with the up-and-coming release of her new book that I finally reach the end of my tether. My World will doubtlessly jump off the shelves for at least a few weeks only to prolapse from the charts before any consumers can think the word ‘Shenanigans!’ A short, sharp shock strategy exercised to perfection. I just hope the publishers can sleep at night.

Will My World let us all into the world that is Cheryl Cole; what makes her tick, what spurs her on etc? I’d wager that it manages this with the greatest of ease – it’s a book entirely composed of photographs… Can anyone suggest a more accurate way to portray the life (so far) of a young woman who has got where she is today through being pretty in front of a camera, and genuinely nothing more? I can’t either, other than not making the book in the first place… Hang on, wait a moment, I’m on to something here…


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